
Project Management Rebootedā„¢ | WTF? The Whispering Shadows in Project Management project management leadership project management tools Apr 14, 2018

Had any shadows whispering to you lately while you're trying to plan and execute on your projects?

Those voices that come out of the sidelines of your reality telling you what you should do, what you did wrong, what you need to do? Maybe telling you how you missed it in the last project meeting...

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Uncertainty and Taking a Chance = Opportunity for Greatness or Failing. Both are acceptable! project management leadership project management training Apr 14, 2018

My trip to NYC a few weeks ago to connect with my Conscious Business Entrepreneur group, The 108, was another mind/body/soul expansion. I'm always struck, sometimes slightly debilitated, with how much I have to learn yet about everything from digital marketing, to getting my heart and mind in...

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Ikigai and Hokey Pokey: The meaning of life? authenticity ikigai project management best practice project management career Apr 14, 2018

I love to explore other languages.

At times it seems to me that other languages can be more rich and beautiful than English because they have one spectacular word to sum up a thought or collection of words. It seems so elegant and amazing to me that one word can express a very deep, expansive...

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The Next Chapter, The 108, and Rebooting Project Management project management best practices project management coaching project management training Apr 14, 2018

Hello Friends!

You may have been wondering where I've been the last several months (or maybe not!).

I finished up my 2.5 year consulting contract stint at the end of February, and chose to take 3 whole months off (could be more, we'll see) to focus on creating my business. Time will tell if I...

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Project Management Rebootedā„¢: This is Where We Start! project management best practice project management training project rescue Apr 14, 2018

So what am I doing here?  Here in the crowded space of online coaches, advice givers, sellers of workshops, wares, and books?

I've asked myself this several times, and I keep coming back to the truth that everyone's voice matters.  Everyone has a story, advice, and support to...

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